On Fri, 22 Jan 2010 21:54:44 -0200
Ezequiel Birman <ezebir...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello.
> I found your post in lylypond user list of 25 Sep 2004 regarding horn
> notation and the half stopped glyph.
> I am facing the same problem. I've tried inserting an eps file with
> the $\oplus$ glyph, but I can't get it right. Perhaps the BoundigBox
> paramater isn't right.
> Another possibility could be to directly use \postscript inside a
> markup.
> ¿Did you find a solution?
> Regards.


(sending this to the list since it may at best be useful to the
community and at worst spark conversation that may make it useful)

If I remember correctly, back then, Lilypond used the TeX backend, so I
was able to use the \oplus character, and then had to use overrides to
move it around to where I wanted. Now it should be simpler, since any
unicode character can be used. You may have still have to tweak or
override the defaults to put it where you want it or at the size you
want, but you no longer have to play with TeX or postscript to do it.

Something like c2^"⊕" should do the trick; it works in my little test
sample (using 2.12.3) without needing any tweaking. 


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