I think you might want to use an extra markup function. For example

r^\markup { \halign #-2.7 \musicglyph #"scripts.ufermata" }

You can use minus or positive numbers, in whole or decimal increments for the \halign #x value which will move it horizontally left and right accordingly.

That is how I manage cramped scores.

If lilypond is avoiding collisions when you eventually move the two markups away from each other they will fall into place (so to speak).

Hope this helps


Per Eric Rosén wrote:
Hi everyone!

What ways are there to add horizontal space after a rehearsal mark?

In detail: How to shift notes and their textscripts to the right, to get the rehearsal mark and text-script besides each other instead of the
(i my opinion somewhat ugly) vertical stacking?

Or, if that is hard: How to increase the x-padding of a double bar?

I the example below, the "M2" get spaced above the "Tutti". Some extra space after the double bar would avoid stacking.

Using lilypond 2.12.2 (lilypond.org installer) on Debian 5.0.4 AMD64.

---- test.ly ----
\version "2.12.2"
\score {
  \relative c' {
    \clef G
    \time 4/4
    c'1 d  \bar "||" \mark \markup{\box "M2"} e( \f ^\markup{Tutti} f)

I have tried "extra-spacing-width" and looking for other ways, but nothing found in the archives by the search words I could come up with at least ...

Thanks in advance!
Per Eric Rosén, Uppsala, Sweden
^): Per Eric Rosén http://rosnix.net/~per/
/   p...@rosnix.net GPG 7A7A BD68 ADC0 01E1 F560 79FD 33D1 1EC3 1EBB 7311


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