У пт, 2010-02-05 у 21:17 +0200, Dmytro O. Redchuk пише:
> Hi.

Hi again!-)

(Sorry, Cc'ing to bug-lilypond)

Well, i'd like to ask again: so, it looks like it will never be possible
so far? With the new "spacing engine"?

(i've attached two images, again, by 2.12.3 and 2.13.12, with skylines)

If so, if "it will never be possible", then i can not file this as a
bug :O)

But... "too bad"?.. :O(

I've experienced this "issue" in real scores, and it makes these scores
much worse. Is there any... hope?-) Or, at least, workaround?

Thank you!

> I have a score with two stave and two lyrics lines both of which have
> "long pauses" --- let's say, a half of staff singing and next half ---
> silence.
> And i want to place both lyrics lines between these two stave. The
> problem is that 2.12 could place both lyric lines at the same baseline
> (twolyrics-2.12.3.png, attached), however i can not force 2.13 to do the
> same (twolyrics-2.13.12.png).
> Snippet (one measure):
> % -----------8<-----------------------------
> melody = \relative c'' {
>   c c c c
> }
> upperLyr = \lyricmode {
>   la la _ _
> }
> lowerLyr = \lyricmode {
>   _ _ la la
> }
> \score {
>   \new ChoirStaff <<
>     \new Staff = "upper" {
>       \new Voice = "upper" {
>         \melody
>       }
>     }
>     \new Lyrics \lyricsto "upper" \upperLyr
>     \new Staff = "lower" {
>       \new Voice = "lower" {
>         \melody
>       }
>     }
>     \new Lyrics \with {
>       alignAboveContext = "lower"
>     } \lyricsto "lower" \lowerLyr
>   >>
> }
> % -----------8<-----------------------------
> So, two images illustrate my "problem", please help.
> I've tried with affinity and spacing parameters but failed. I could make
> a gap a bit smaller, not more.
> Thanks!

  Dmytro O. Redchuk

<<attachment: twolyrics-2.12.3.png>>

<<attachment: twolyrics-2.13.12.png>>

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