On 14 February 2010 13:37, Kieren MacMillan
<kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
>> I was copying some notes with lilypond and wondered myself, if lilypond
>> supports something like shown in the attachment. This is a part of an
>> orchestral score. Is such a thing supported by lilypond?
> Look for "ambitus" in the docs or archive.
> <http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.13/Documentation/notation/displaying-pitches#Ambitus>

I don't think an ambitus is what he is looking for, but rather a way
to indicate the tuning of the timpani.  This is where I would expect
to find something about it but there doesn't seem to be anything:


You could almost certainly do it by writing it as music at the start
of the line and then adding space at the start of every other line,
but it looks like something that should be added to the list of
feature requests.  I would have thought that the code for creating the
ambitus could be modified to display every note in the line instead of
just the top and bottom.



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