On Tue, 2010-02-16 at 14:59 +0000, Phil Holmes wrote:
> 2010/2/16 Phil Holmes <em...@philholmes.net>:
> >> accommodate one lyric syllable, rather than the 2 or 4 in the original. 
> >> Is
> >> there a way of changing this behaviour so that each beamed quaver
> >> accommodates a syllable, and it's only slurs that make more than one note
> >> per syllable?
> ><http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.12/Documentation/user/lilypond/Aligning-lyrics-to-a-melody#Multiple-notes-to-one-syllable>:
> >"In addition, notes are considered a melisma if they are manually
> >beamed, and automatic beaming (see Setting automatic beam behavior) is
> >switched off."
> Thanks.  Looks like the only way of avoiding this, then, is to set the stave 
> to auto beaming, even though the stave is manually beamed.  Not sure I like 
> this as a behaviour - I would expect slurs to default to causing syllables 
> to extend over notes, but not beams.

If you want slurs to result in a melisma, but not manual beams, then you
can use
\set melismaBusyProperties = #'(melismaBusy slurMelismaBusy
tieMelismaBusy completionBusy)

(The only difference of this setting compared to the default one is that
I have removed beamMelismaBusy, which means that beams are not treated
as melisma, but all other cases are treated as usual.)

The exact meaning of this property is only documented in
and the default setting is documented in 


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