On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 12:23:36PM +0100, Federico Bruni wrote:
>    I'm wondering if the Wikitex extension for Mediawiki is a secure
>    alternative to the LilyPond extension.
>    http://wikisophia.org/wiki/Wikitex
>    (as you can see, there is an Edit button... it is open to public
>    modifications)
>    and I came to the conclusion that Wikitex does not allow DoS attacks.

I see absolutely no security involved here, although admittedly I
only spent two minutes looking at it.  I have every reason to
believe that wikisophia is offering a remote local security hole.
And if they present *that* hole, then I'm willing to be money that
you could find another security flaw and gain root access via your
local-user access.

I certainly think that a DoS attack would be easy.

>    I'm going to give a talk about LilyPond next week and I'd like to have my
>    mind clear about these issues.

IMO, the best thing to clear your mind is this: "if you don't know
about security, then don't offer globally-accessible services".

Computer security is a hard area; you won't be able to write
secure web services after reading a dozen webpages and spending a
weekend programming something.  It takes weeks (if not months or
years!) of study, and a similar amount of time working on every
piece of software.

This amount of work has emphatically NOT been done on lilypond.

- Graham

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