2010/2/28 Alberto Simões <al...@alfarrabio.di.uminho.pt>:

> Hello
> I have a music where in some places the voice splits, like:
>    << { g2 ~ g8 } \\ { s8 e8[ dis d] cis } >>
> I was trying to make lyrics align with the top voice of these splits.
> I tried to use:
>    << { \voiceOne g2 ~ g8 } \\ { s8 e8[ dis d] cis } >>


Voices in a << { ... } \\ { ... } >> structure are both different than
voices outside that structure.

You should either name you main, outside Voice "1" (because in the
<< { ... } \\ { ... } >> structure first Voice is called "1",
second "2" and so on...).
Either use explicit instantiated Voices, like this :

    { \voiceOne g2 ~ g8 }
    \new Voice = "blabla" { \voiceTwo s8 e8[ dis d] cis }
  >> \oneVoice

The first { ... } that appears in a << ... >> with instanciated Voices
(i.e. without "\\") is considered as the continuation as the main
Voice outside the << ... >> structure.

Hope it is clear,

Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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