Trevor Daniels wrote:

Mats Bengtsson wrote Monday, March 01, 2010 2:59 PM

The main point of confusion is that you cannot do what seems most intuitive, namely to use the << \\ >> construct. You will never be able to make this point in the manual, unless you also include an example of what does not work. I was convinced that I had seen such an example somewhere in the documentation, but cannot find it right now.

You may be thinking of 5.1.3 in the Notation Reference,
which shows a similar situation but where the point being
made is how to keep contexts alive when the melody line
is silent for a few bars.
Although even here there is no
example of a construct that does not work.
It's my experience based on a number of years of teaching, that in situations like this one where the most intuitive approach does not work, it's far from enough to tell how to do it the right way, you also have to show why the intuitive approach does not work, preferably even by letting the student do the mistake himself first. There's still the risk that a few readers don't get the point and stick to the first (i.e. the erroneous) approach, but then they at least have been to the relevant page of the manual when doing it and is more likely to find their way back to the relevant information once they discover the problem.



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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        School of Electrical Engineering
        Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
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