Yes, read the warning at the bottom of the doc page about grace

- Graham

On Mon, Mar 08, 2010 at 04:07:43PM -0600, Patrick Karl wrote:
> When I compile the following:
> \version "2.12.2"
> S  =   \relative g'' {
>               \appoggiatura g16 f1
> }
> \score {
>       \new ChoirStaff <<
>               \time 4/4
>               \new Staff { \S  }
>       >>
>       \layout { }
>       \midi { }
> }
> I get the output attached, which shows two instances of the time  
> signature with the grace note, in this case an appoggiatura, stuck  
> between and a long, greatly downwards displaced (apparently in order to 
> avoid collision with the 2nd time sig) slur connecting to the main note.
> In addition, the log file shows two instances of the following error:
>> programming error: Going back in MIDI time.
>> continuing, cross fingers
> Note that the duplicated time signature  does not occur if the "\time  
> 4/4" statement is omitted; the two MIDI errors, however, still occur.

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