On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 3:27 AM, Stefan Thomas
<kontrapunktste...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Dear community,
> I would like to use single signs  of the lilypond-font (e.g. the sharp-sign)
> in a text-programm, for example in open-office or in LaTex. I don't want to
> make musical examples, but single signs in text, I need it for the
> explanation of special symbols, like this way:
>> The sign                               % here I would like to input
>> lilypond's symbol for the quartertone-sharp
>>  a quarter-tone higher than the written note.
> Does someone know, how this can be done?

Latex already has some musical symbols defined.

The signs \natural \flat \sharp ...

You can find more symbols here:

Some symbols do seem to be lacking, like the treble clef.


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