Greetings, list!

I am having an infuriating problem with Lily. Attached is my score; what I'm 
trying to do is get rid of the ridiculous space after the first system and 
before the next, and bring all systems closer together. In fact, I'd like to 
mash another system onto the first page--this was my entire reasoning for 
bringing this into Lily, so I could mash all 10 pages (unplayably complex page 
turns for a mediocre musician such as myself) into about 4.

However, everything I've tried hasn't worked. I messed with a couple of 
overrides--I don't remember the names, but they all caused Lilypond to throw 
syntax errors. After that I stumbled on the \paper block, and have been trying 
to find settings that will reduce the spacing ever since. No values in my 
current \paper block seem to have any effect whatsoever.

The first system does have a piano staff on it, but Lilypond hides it...but it 
kinda looks like Lily still thinks that piano staff is there, taking up space, 
as the spacing doesn't change when I go back and forth between hiding and not 
hiding that part of the first system.

Can anyone explain what's going on? So far, I've tried to RTFM, but I don't 
know which part of TFM I should be reading at this point.

Thanks in advance,
Jacob Rau
\version "2.12.2"
\paper {
	between-system-spacing = #'((space . 0) (padding . 0) (stretchability . 0) (minimum-distance . 0)) 

\header {
	title = "Glory to God"
\score {
		\new ChordNames {
			\set chordChanges = ##t
			r2. r r r r r r r r r r r r r
			e2. b2. a2. b2.
		\new Staff {
			% vocals
			\time 3/4
			\key e \major
			\tempo 4 = 176
			\relative e' {
				gis4 a b b a gis fis2. gis
				b b4 a gis fis2.~ fis
				gis4 a b b a gis fis2. gis2
				gis4 a a gis fis e dis
				\repeat volta 2 { e2. ~ e ~ e r }
				gis4 a b b a gis fis2. gis
				b b4 a gis fis2.~ fis
				gis4 a b b a gis fis2. gis2
				gis4 a a gis fis e dis
				e2. ~ e ~ e r
		\addlyrics {
			Glo -- ry to God in the high -- est
			sing glo -- ry to God
			Glo -- ry to God in the high -- est
			and peace to his peo -- ple on

			Glo -- ry to God in the high -- est
			sing glo -- ry to God
			Glo -- ry to God in the high -- est
			and peace to his peo -- ple on
		\new PianoStaff <<
			\time 3/4

			\new Staff {
				% right hand
				\clef treble
				\key e \major
				\relative c'' {
					\repeat volta 2 {
						<b gis'>4 e8 b' e, b <b fis'>4 dis8 b' dis, b <b e>4 cis8 b'4 cis,8 <b fis'> gis' fis e b4
					<b gis'>8( e b b' e, b) <b fis'>4 dis8( b' fis dis) <b e>4 cis8 b'4 e,8 <b fis'>8( gis' fis e b e)
					<b gis'>4 e8( b' e, b) <b fis'>4 dis8( b' fis dis) <b e>4 cis8 b'4 e,8 <b dis>8( e fis <b, dis> e fis)
					<b, gis'>4 e8 b' e, b <b fis'>4 dis8 b' dis, b <b e>4 cis8 b'4 cis,8 <b fis'> gis' fis e b gis'
					a( a, cis e a, cis fis b, e fis b, dis)
			\new Staff {
				% left hand
				\clef bass
				\key e \major
				\relative c, {
					\repeat volta 2 {
						<e e,>2. e'4. b e,2. e'4. b4 e,8
					<e e,>2. e'4. b e,2. e'4. b4 b,8
					<e e,>2. e'4. b e,2. e'4. b4 b,8
	\midi {
		\context { \ChordNameVoice \remove Note_performer } 
	\layout {
		\context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext
			\override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
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