2010/5/14 Reinhold Kainhofer <reinh...@kainhofer.com>:

> Welcome to the club... I ran into that problem two years ago, and I
> haven't yet found a solution:
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2008-03/msg00232.html
> It's still on my list of things to do should I ever get enough time,
> though.

Hi Reinhold !
I'm really happy to see an answer from you here!  :)

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one to feel annoyed[*] by this issue.
I also feel relieved that even the most advanced users haven't [yet]
found a solution (I'm not that dumb!).

But I feel also sad that this issue (about something very "simple",
common) is still unsolved (2 years after).

Of course I'm not criticizing yourself or any developer.  On the
contrary I'm very impressed by this wonderful software.
But I'm surprised that LilyPond can handle very complex, polyphonic,
modern stuffs with an amazing easiness (I mean it is easy to do for the
user, LilyPond is calculating all the complex stuffs very well),
but can't handle this situation, which feel really "simple" from a user
point of view.

> (Which is probably never, so I would encourage everyone to look at
> this bug...)

I would encourage too!

This bug is now in my personal TOP #5 Most Annoying Issues:

  #1. Tempo text not correctly aligned (issue 684);
  #2. << { ... } \\ { ... } >>  does not behave like
      << { \voiceOne ... } \new Voice = "mainVoice2" { \voiceTwo ... } >> ;
  #3. PartCombine !
  #4. Text aligned on dynamics (easy syntax);
  #5. This one (somewhat related to the previous one).

Of course, from a completely selfish point of view, I would really
appreciate if these bugs could be treated in priority, since they are
really the ones that are annoying me the most...  ;p

But I also understand they are maybe not annoying other users as much
as they are annoying me, that developers are also human beings, that
are volunteers and have a life outside LilyPond and thus are not the
flunkeys of us, always-complaining users.  :D

Thanks everybody,


[*] Please do not feel attacked by the term "annoy", I tried to find
a better translation of the french verb "ennuyer", which has a far less
aggressive meaning, but I didn't.

Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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