On May 19, 2010, at 10:55 PM, Mark Polesky wrote:

> William Bajzek wrote:
>> My expectation and hope is that it would show the arpeggio
>> bracket instead of the zigzag one, but it doesn't. Can
>> this be done?
> Yes.
> - Mark
> * * * * * * * * * *
> arpeggioBracketStaff = {

Thanks! That does work nicely. I'll make the problem harder now, though; I 
usually use an input structure like the following, to facilitate keeping the 
stems for each voice going the right direction, and I wouldn't *always* want 
the arpeggioBracket, as the regular arpeggio often comes up in guitar music, 
too. With your suggestion, it looks like I am limited to the one type. Is there 
a way to do it without restructuring my files?

upper = \relative c' {
        <e' g>4\arpeggio <d f> <d f>2

lower = \relative c' {
        <d, f>2\arpeggio <g b>2

\score {
   \new Staff = "guitar traditional" <<

                \clef "treble_8"

     \context Voice = "upper" \upper
     \context Voice = "lower" \lower
        \layout { }

- William Bajzek
please note my new email address: williambaj...@gmail.com
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