Dear lilypond users,
    I am currently working on adding woodwind diagrams to lilypond, and I
would love to hear lilypond users' opinions on this project.  To that end,
have provided links to two PDFs that show this new feature in action.
A categorical display of all available holes/keys for all included
A display of each diagram with keys chosen at random (one or two are
multiphonics that I've used...but the other ones were just cobbled together)
in both text and graphical mode.  Trills are indicated in grey.  Note that
some trills are between novel positions (ie depressedRing-to-open trill or
1/4-to-3/4 trill).  The order of the diagrams alternates between
text/graphical for the following instruments : piccolo, flute, oboe,
clarinet, bass-clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, contrabassoon.

Specifically, I would like to know from woodwind players and/or enthusiasts:

1)  Are the diagrams correct in their nomenclature and positioning?
2)  Do the diagrams meet the standard of visual elegance to which you hold

If you are interested in extending this project to other instruments, please
let me know.  The code is written as such so that someone who knows how to
use Scheme should be able to, by observing the way that the instruments are
constructed, make their own instrument in the same manner.

Thank you very much in advance for your feedback.  A special thanks as well
to Gilles Thibault, whose clarinet diagram on the LSR provided a great deal
of guidance in the creation of this package's visual elements, and to Carl
Sorensen, who helped me to make this feature extensible and elegantly coded.

Looking forward to hearing from ya'll,

lilypond-user mailing list

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