[Lilypond 2.13.21]

Hey all,

I'm trying to get a score out this afternoon (for a competition deadline 
tomorrow!) and I'm running into a bug...

My score looks quite nice on 17 systems spread over 5 pages -- I would like:
  Page 1: title + 3
  Pages 2-4: 4 systems
  Page 5: 2 systems

Unfortunately, "minimal-breaking" causes Lilypond to [try to] cram everything 
on one page, whereas "optimal-breaking" gives 3 systems for most pages and 4 on 
the last (even though ragged-last-bottom = ##t). No doubt one or more of my 
problems is related to the known bug regarding the missing properties
  blank-page-force = 0
  blank-after-score-page-force = 0
but I've explicitly set that as well.

Other than manually inserting breaks, what can I do to get Lilypond to Do The 
Right Thing™?

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