
I guess you forgot to cc: the list on your e-mail, it was addressed only to me.

It is quite hard to say what went wrong from just this very general error message. I am running Elysium in the Eclipse PDE, not even in the outer (host) Eclipse, I am aware that it is the first public alpha and probably not ready for real consumption -- I do not hold illusions that it will be immediately useful for real LilyPond work in the immediate future, right now I just enjoy playing with the technology.


On 07/01/2010 01:53 AM, Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear community,
I wanted to try elysium.
I've downloaded and installed the program.
But when I opened the first lilypond-file I've got:
Could not open the editor: Editor could not be initialized.
What went wrong?

2010/7/1 Boris Shingarov < <>>

    Hi Dénes,

        if there are any Eclipse fans out there, here's some good news

    I am one of the founding committers of Eclipse (I wrote SWT for
    Linux in 2001-2003).

        happy to announce the early alpha release of Elysium, an
        Eclipse plugin for
        editing LilyPond scores.

    I just cloned your repository, and am looking at the code.
    Your plugin is indeed impressive!
    It would help if you provided a high-level architectural overview
    of Elysium's internal structure.  Not in the sense of explaining
    how an Eclipse plugin works, but rather things like how you parse
    the LY source, what makes up your structural tree, did you have to
    do anything special regarding structural compare,... things like that.

    I'm sure I'll be back soon with a lot of concrete questions.


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