On 10/07/10 18:42, Xavier Scheuer wrote:
2010/7/10 Nick Payne<nick.pa...@internode.on.net>:

I'm getting this error in the console output - no indication is given
of where in the source is causing the error. The PDF output is fine.
I did a google search for the error message but didn't find anything
that seemed relevant.  There are tuplets all the way through this
score, so after showing the tuplet numbers and brackets for the
first bar, I set

\override TupletBracket #'stencil = ##f
\override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f

to turn them off. I'm now up to bar 42, and the error first showed
a couple of bars back. What does it mean? using v2.13.27.
Do you use something "special" in your score?
Can you provide a "minimal example" code?
I can get the error in the console output with this minimal example:

\version "2.13.27"

\relative c' {
\set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
\times 2/3 { <a'' cis,>4 a8 s4. a16 a a a a a } }

If you remove the set tupletSpannerDuration the error doesn't happen, or if the s4. is changed to a4., the error doesn't happen either. So I can see that I'm getting a complaint because one of the tuplets is occupied by a skip. For a piece in several voices, which is the situation where I encountered this error, that seemed to me to be a valid thing to do. I found that I could get rid of the error by stopping and starting the tuplet. i.e.:

\times 2/3 { <a'' cis,>4 a8 } s4 \times 2/3{  a16 a a a a a } }

so I don't know if this qualifies as a bug.


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