
Sorry to be any trouble, but a long time ago I'd used the following to define 
barres for a guitar piece:

barre = #(define-music-function (parser location str)(string?)
       \once \override Voice . TextSpanner #'direction = #1
       \once \override Voice . TextSpanner #'dash-period = #'0.0
       \once \override Voice . TextSpanner #'dash-fraction = #'()
       \once \override Voice . TextSpanner #'edge-height = #'(0.0 . 0.5)
       \once \override Voice . TextSpanner #'enclose-bounds = #1
       \once \override Voice . TextSpanner #'edge-text = #(cons (format "c~a" 
$str) "")

In the music itself the code was the following:

<< { <b'-1>4                                                                    
     \barre #"IX" <cis'-3>8\startTextSpan <e'-1> <fis'-4\3> <a'-2\2>
\stopTextSpan | } \\
   { <b-3\4>8 <gis'-4\2>\stopTextSpan <cis'-3\4>2 | } >>

Unfortunately I don't remember which version of LilyPond this worked in as I 
may have manually changed the version number. Either way "enclose-bounds" 
doesn't seem to be part of the LilyPond code any more and I wondered how the 
code should read in 2.12.3.

Kind regards,


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