On 10 July 2010 20:10, Neil Thornock <neilthorn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> See modifications to your code below.  It seems like something with
> Forbid_line_break_engraver should work instead of the *0, but I can't
> figure it out.  This does work, though.

That's an interesting approach, but your intuition about
Forbid_line_break_engraver is right.  If it's removed, and beams are
made breakable, then you don't need to scale any notes (or add
explicit breaks).

\layout {
  \context {
    \remove "Timing_translator"
    \remove "Default_bar_line_engraver"
  \context {
    \consists "Timing_translator"
    \consists "Default_bar_line_engraver"
  \context {
    \remove "Forbid_line_break_engraver"
    \override Beam #'breakable = ##t

\relative c' <<
  \new Staff {
    \time 4/4
    r4^\markup"tempo=54" b'2.~  | % 1
    b4 c2 a4~  | % 2
    a r2.  | % 3
    r4 b2.~  | % 4
    b4 c4. a8 d4~  | % 5
    d2. cis4~  | % 6
    cis r2.  | % 7
    b1  | % 8
    c  | % 9
    g  | % 10
  \new Staff {
        \time 54/84
        \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = #'(4 . 4)
        \scaleDurations #'(54 . 84) {
          b8^\markup"tempo=84" b b b b b b b16 es  | % 1
          d8 d d b16 es d8 b16 es d8 b16 es | % 2
          d8 d b b d b b b  | % 3
          gis[ gis gis gis gis gis gis gis16 fis']  | % 4
          dis8 dis dis gis,16 fis' dis8 gis,16 fis' dis8 gis,16 fis' | % 5
          dis8 dis dis dis fis dis dis dis | % 6
          b8[ b b b b b b b16 es]  | % 7
          d8 d d b16 es d8 b16 es d8 b16 es | % 8
          d8 d b b d b b b  | % 9
          gis[ gis gis gis gis gis gis gis16 fis']  | % 10
          dis8 dis dis gis,16 fis' dis8 gis,16 fis' dis8 gis,16 fis' | % 11
          dis8 dis dis dis fis dis dis dis | % 12 }
      { \repeat unfold 3 { s1*2 \bar "" } }

BTW, there's only one voice in the lower stave (there's no voice
separator between the scaled notes and the skips).


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