On Jul 12, 2010, at 10:01 AM, Dmytro O. Redchuk wrote:

> On Sat 10 Jul 2010, 14:15 Jean-François Lucarelli wrote:
>> Dear Webmaster,
>> This is not a bug, but a suggestion.
>> During use of quotation, if an accidental appears in the  quotation, then the
>> same accidental in the real notes is not repeated.
>> So, you can see in this picture :
>> http://i30.servimg.com/u/f30/09/00/19/53/quotat10.jpg
> Dear Jean-François,
> would be better to see a snippet. *Really* :-)
>> The 'ges' at the right of the picture must be specified 'ges!'.
> Since i am not a musician, it can be a boring thing to ask you what is ges
> ("which key signature over there? --- i've tried to count legers, but...") and
> what's "the right of the picture" ("do you mean the middle?") --- really,
> please don't mind, small ("tiny") snippet simplifies life a lot.
> Thank You!
> I am wondering why nobody answered you since Sat 10 Jul 2010, 14:15 (UTC) ---
> anyway i believe this may be a quite valid enhancement request (at least).
> So, waiting for your reply.
>> This is a source of error, because the quotations are added when all the 
>> score
>> has been reverified.
>> Maybe, you should correct this detail, or purpose a switch to avoid it.
>> Best Regards,
>> Jean-François

I'll gladly be corrected here, but I think that having to explicitly state the 
ges in this case completely acceptable. It's in another voice, and it's a) 
atypical to to not explicitly restate accidentals from another voice, and b) 
odd to expect that an accidental in one voice would necessarily affect an 
accidental in another voice.

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