I regularly am given music in 'A' or 'C' to write out and transpose for B-flat 
for the small orchestra I am in (for example I play a lot of parts written for 
Cornets in A or sometimes, depending on the melody and the instrument that 
plays it I'll be asked to join the bassoons or play a French Horn part - we are 
a very small orchestra and have an imaginative conductor!).
So this is what I do.
I typeout the music 'as is' on the score and then I create different 'score' 
parts with the transpose function accordingly.
OriginalMusicInA = { a b c d e }
Now I simply create score part thus
\score {
   \new Staff {
    \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet "
    \transpose bes a { \relative c'' \OriginalMusicInA }
What I also while I am in the process of copying out the score, is use
    \transpose c c { \relative c'' \originalmusic }
and then change the 'c c' value to whatever I need to tranpose to/from once I 
am ready to print the music out. it simplifies the working-out process for me 
until I have checked for any copying mistakes.
I hope this helps.


From: lilypond-user-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org on behalf of 
Jatziri Valtierra
Sent: Sat 7/17/2010 2:18
To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Subject: transposing instruments

hi everybody, know how to write for transposing instruments (clarinet
in Bes, bass clarinet in Bes, flute in G) without write the key
because I was looking and I don't found nothing about it, all I've
found is written in the traditional form and my writing is atonal
therefore only cause doubt if I write atonal for some instruments and
for the others not


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