I was wondering why I never got a response to this. Turns out that I sent it to gun.org. Duh. Let's try again.

version is 2.13.29-1

This is a flute part, so there's just one staff per system. It's two pages long. Page one has 8 staves spaced to fill the page. Page two has 7 staves that are crammed into little more than half the page. I read the "Vertical Spacing" section of the Notation manual and thought that this might do something:

\new Staff \with {
    \override VerticalAxisGroup #'next-staff-spacing =
      #'((space . 1000) (stretchability . 1000))

This doesn't produce any errors, but it doesn't change the output, either. I started with 10, then 20, then 100, and finally 1000. None of them did anything.

Any advice gratefully received.

Jimmy Wilkinson            | Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
ji...@cs.cofc.edu        | The College of Charleston
(843) 953-8160             | Charleston      SC        29424

If there is one word to describe me, that word would have to be "profectionist".
Any form of incompitence is an athema to me.
Metathesis??? Don't ax me.
Just between you and I, the grammar used by Americans are getting worse.
I can only help but wonder what the cause of this might be.
It just ceases to amaze me how it could be the case, but mostly I could care less.
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