Thank you for your response.

I just wanted to know, whether there is an easier way to archieve this?

    Yours, Robert Clausecker

Am Donnerstag, den 02.09.2010, 01:06 +0100 schrieb Neil Puttock: 
> On 31 August 2010 13:42, Robert Clausecker <> wrote:
> > I want to write a small snippet for demonstration purposes, which
> > contains lyrics. The problem is, that the first measure of the cited
> > fragment is the second syllable of a word (Pro - phe - ten, the "Pro" is
> > missing). In order to increase the readability of this snippet, I wanted
> > to use a stanza to add this, eg:
> >
> >        \set stanza = \markup {\medium Pro ‐}
> >
> > This works as expected, but unfortunately the dash "-" doesn't looks
> > like the dash which  usually indicates a word-continuation (Entered
> > uding "--"). Does anybody know, how to get exactly this hyphen?
> If you're using 2.13 you can span a hyphen between the stanza and the
> first lyric syllable via a scheme engraver:
> \version "2.13.31"
> #(define (stanza-lyric-hyphen-engraver ctx)
>    (let ((hyphen '()))
>      `((initialize . ,(lambda (trans)
>                         ;; if 'stanza is set, make a hyphen before anything
>                         ;; else has happened
>                         (and (markup? (ly:context-property ctx 'stanza))
>                              (set! hyphen (ly:engraver-make-grob trans
>                                                                  'LyricHyphen
>                                                                  '())))))
>        (acknowledgers
>         (lyric-syllable-interface
>          . ,(lambda (trans grob source)
>               ;; if a hyphen has been created, set the first
>               ;; syllable acknowledged as its right bound
>               (and (ly:spanner? hyphen)
>                    (ly:spanner-set-bound! hyphen RIGHT grob))))
>         (stanza-number-interface
>          . ,(lambda (trans grob source)
>               ;; if a hyphen has been created, set the stanza
>               ;; as its left bound
>               (and (ly:spanner? hyphen)
>                    (ly:spanner-set-bound! hyphen LEFT grob)))))
>        (stop-translation-timestep
>         . ,(lambda (trans)
>              ;; clear hyphen at end of first timestep
>              (and hyphen
>                   (set! hyphen '())))))))
> <<
>   \new Voice = melody \relative c' {
>     c2 c
>   }
>   \new Lyrics \with {
>     stanza = #"Pro"
>     % make stanza look like a lyric syllable
>     \override StanzaNumber #'font-size = #1
>     \override StanzaNumber #'font-series = #'bold-narrow
>     % tweak stanza position to match lyric spacing
>     \override StanzaNumber #'X-offset = #-5.8
>     \consists #stanza-lyric-hyphen-engraver
>   }
>   \lyricsto melody {
>     phe -- ten
>   }
> >>
> Cheers,
> Neil

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