On Fri 03 Sep 2010, 10:09 David Kastrup wrote:
> "Dmytro O. Redchuk" <brownian....@gmail.com> writes:
> > acceptable for text is too long for lyrics).
> Text does not have variable length hyphens.  Dashes of various length
> carry different meanings in text: hyphen, range dashes, ellipsis.
Yes, i knew that: -, –, — (or -, -- and --- in TeX?). And the only is the
hyphen, i believe: the shortest one .)

> > So, the question is what is minimally acceptable for lyrics and ---
> > next (sub)question --- will font's hyphen be acceptable for lyrics as
> > a _minimally_ acceptable.
> Obviously (to me), different character slots are required for the
> extensible hyphens in lyrics, and a text hyphen.  A long lyric hyphen,
> for example, can't have the thickness of a normal text hyphen, or you
> get a heavy black bar across the page.  You can't dash with a text
> hyphen perfectly either, because the ends of the hyphen are supposed to
> convey, well, ends of a hyphen and not an interruption.
I feel like i agree. Actually, what i would like to mention: using a font's
hyphen as a "minimally acceptable hyphen" for lyrics is, probably, bad idea (i
can imagine a sutiation when i need to refuse to use particular font _only_
because it's hyphen is too long for "minimally acceptable" lyrics hyphen "for
current project", let's say).

(ergh.. sorry for my english, can't express freely, stupid me)

  Dmytro O. Redchuk
  Bug Squad

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