On 2010-09-06 15:50, Xavier Scheuer wrote:
On 6 September 2010 15:29, Richie Gress<searchfgold67...@live.com>  wrote:

I am trying to engrave music that has no meter; this is what I need
help doing:

I need to specify where I want the barlines to go.

Use  \cadenzaOn  and explicit bar lines with  \bar "|" .
You'll probably also need  \bar ""  to permit line breaks.  [...]

I need to have some staves disappear when they only have rests in them,
and then reappear later when they begin to have music again.

That's the purpose of  \RemoveEmptyStaffContext  (isn't the right name
\RemoveEmptyStaves now?).

AFAICS, for \RemoveEmptyStaffContext to work, you have to use MultiMeasureRests. Do these work together with cadenzas? The last time I checked (just two minor versions ago) I ran into trouble, both with score timing and the alignment of the MMR grob in the "measure"/cadenza. Is there something like a "FullCadenzaRest", centered in a cadenza, and possibly split if the cadenza is broken into several lines? If no, please consider this as a possible enhancement request... ;-)

In the meantime, if \cadenzaOn causes you trouble, try the following: Use \time 4/4 with \layout { \context { \Staff \remove Time_signature_engraver } } or \layout { \context { \Staff \override TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f } }, without \cadenzaOn, and use \scaleDurations to fit the music of each "measure" into 4/4: { c'4 c4 c2 c8 c2 } (of length 13/8) will be one "measure" with \scaleDurations #'(8 . 13) { c'4 c4 c2 c8 c2 }.


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