It compiles just fine here! Can you compile it via the command line?

lilypond Seth's Test

Am 10.09.2010 um 17:45 schrieb Seth Williamson:

I want to thank everybody who has helped thus far in the saga of my getting the LilyPond/JEdit/LilyPondTool combo up and running.

Thanks to several people's suggestions, I think I got the permissions problem fixed. I have no idea how I could have had permissions trouble in the first place, since I have always installed things exclusively as a user, but whatever.

I have now gotten as far as getting the combination set-up to display the little scale that is included as a test file for beginners in LilyPond. It's titled simply "A scale in LilyPond" and it displays fine in the PDF displayer that I have docked to the right of the JEdit workspace.

HOWEVER, the latest problem is that I can't seem to get the PDF displayer to STOP showing me this scale, even when I attempt to put in new files to be compiled.
This seems to be some kind of bug in LilyPondTool. You have to choose/ open a file you already compiled and then go back to your new file and then you can see it in the preview.

For example, a buddy suggested that I use the LilyPondTool Score Wizard to make another four-note scale. FYI, I append the output it created below. But I can't get it to display -- even though I have the new file in JEdit, I still see the original scale to the right.

Here's what I put in with the Wizard:

% Created on Fri Sep 10 11:36:20 EDT 2010
\version "2.12.3"

\header {
        title = "Seth's Test Score"
 subtitle = "(suggested by Bob)"
        composer = "Seth Williamson"


staffTrumpetInC = \new Staff {
        \time 4/4
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Trumpet in C"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "trumpet"
        \transposition bes,
        \key c \major
        \clef treble
        \relative c' {  
a b c d

        \bar "|."


\score {
        \midi {

  \layout {

\paper {

Here is what I think are the error codes the above code generated. Anybody have any ideas what went wrong?

This is a console shell for running LilyPond and related commands. Enter %help to see the available special commands.
> %lilypond %args "/Users/hazelmotes/Downloads/Seth's Test"
/Applications/ line 1: fg: no job control /Applications/ line 2: version: command not found /Applications/ line 4: header: command not found /Applications/ line 5: title: command not found /Applications/ line 6: subtitle: command not found /Applications/ line 7: composer: command not found /Applications/ line 9: syntax error near unexpected token `}' /Applications/ line 9: `}'
Processing time: 0 seconds

Seth Williamson

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 10:16 AM, Bernardo Barros <> wrote:
The only problem I got was to get unicode support from jEdit.
Also Midi support did not work well with LilyPondTools AT ALL
The other regular things went well.

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