I am trying to typeset a hymn with a refrain at the bottom.  The music and
the lyrics for the hymn is part of one staff.  The music and lyrics for the
refrain is on another staff.  However, when I go to create the second staff
Lilypond complains that there is a syntax error at the second \new Staff
command.  Here is my Lilypond file.  Thank you for the help.

\version "2.12.3"
#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #t)

#(set-default-paper-size "statement")

#(set-global-staff-size 15.0)

stemOn = { \override Staff.Stem #'transparent = ##f }
stemOff = { \override Staff.Stem #'transparent = ##t }

\layout { 
    indent = #0 
    ragged-right = ##f

\paper {
 #(define left-margin (* 0.3 cm))
  between-system-padding = #3.0
  between-system-space = #3.0
  ragged-bottom = ##t
  ragged-last-bottom = ##t

\score {
        \new Staff { 
                \key f \major \time 3/4
                \new Voice { \voiceOne  
                        \partial 4 c'8. c'16 |
                        f'4 f'4 a'8. g'16 |
                        g'4 g'4 bes'8. d''16 | 
                        c''4. \autoBeamOff a'8 \autoBeamOn bes'8 g'8 |
                        f'2 \bar "|"
                        \partial 4 c'8. c'16 | 
                        f'4 f'4 a'8. g'16 |
                        g'4 g'4 bes'8. d''16 |
                        c''4. \autoBeamOff a'8 \autoBeamOn bes'8 g'8 |
                        f'2 \bar "|"
                        \partial 4 a'8. bes'16 |
                        c''4 a'4 c''8. c''16 |
                        bes'4 g'4 bes'8. bes'16  |
                        a'4 f'4 a'8. a'16 |
                        g'2 \bar "|"    
                \addlyrics { 
                        \set stanza = "1. "
                        Ye who own the faith of Je- sus sing the won- ders that 
were done, 
                        When the love of God the Fath- er o'er our sin the vic- 
tory won,
                        When He made the Vir- gin Ma- ry Moth- er of His On- ly 
        \new Staff { 

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