The first 2 examples have some text (Acte I for the first, \null as null text 
for the second) and then a raise/lower command and then some more text.  So in 
each case, the second piece of text is raised or lowered with respect to the 
first piece.  So Scène 1  appears higher than Acte I.  \null would be at the 
normal position, and Très modéré is lowered with respect to it.  In the final 
example, there is nothing before Une forêt. and so there's nothing for it to be 
raised with respect to - in other words, there's nothing that forms the 
"anchor" for it's position to be changed with respect to.

\left-align puts all the text in the { } together on one line, left aligned.  
\left-column puts each piece of text on a new line, left-aligned with respect 
to each other.  So \left-column { "The " "quick " "brown " } puts The on a line 
above quick which is on a line above brown.

Phil Holmes

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: 胡海鹏 - Hu Haipeng 
  To: lilypond-user 
  Sent: Friday, September 17, 2010 3:14 PM
  Subject: re-learning markup sections

    I am re,reading the sections in NR about markups. The following confuses 
me, because I can't find any wrong points in the last one. The madual says it 
has no anchor point, so can't be moved. Can you give me any clues?
    Also, I can't distinguish xx-align and xx-column. I think \left-align { 
"abc def" "ghi jkl" } will be the same when using \left-column. What's the 
difference? Could anyone give a plain text demo formatted with spaces?
  -- begin quote --
  The following example demonstrates these two possibilities; the last markup 
in this example has no anchor point, and therefore is not moved.
  d2^\markup {
    Acte I
    \raise #2 { Scène 1 }
  g_\markup {
    \lower #4 \bold { Très modéré }
  d,^\markup {
    \raise #4 \italic { Une forêt. }
  a'4 a g2 a
  -- end quote --




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