On 9/18/10 8:58 AM, "MING TSANG" <tsan...@rogers.com> wrote:

> I like to improve the output. The questions or tip to improve:
> 1.. How to make the stem thickness constant? Right now some is heave and some
> is thin.

Actually, all the stems should have the same thickness.  I think this is a
problem with your pdf previewer, not a problem with the actual output.  I
think that if you use Acrobat Reader to print the pdf, your stems will all
be the same size.

> 2.. How to make the stem length a little bit shorter re easy head with number
> option?

Why do you want to make the stem lengths shorter?  Stem lengths are
calculated automatically by the layout engine to be consistent with standard

You can  shorten the stems by setting the stem-shorten element of the
details property for the Stem.

This has been discussed on the user list in the past:


> 3.. How to increase the font size of the number in the "easy head with
> number"?

\override Voice.NoteHead #'font-size = #2
(but see below for more detail on this).

> 4.. Is it possible to center score systems of a page? Right now 2 system page
> contains space at the bottom and 5 system page contains few. It will be nice
> if  both 2-system page and 3-system page are center in the page layout.

As far as I know, it isn't possible to center the score systems.  But I may
be wrong on this.

> 5.. How can I set the piano staff and note head size without seting global
> font size bigger?. Right I set (set-global-staff-size 19) and it is fine and I
> don't want to set it 23 which will produce more pages.

Here's an example that shows how different staves can be set to different

#(define Ez_numbers_engraver
    (cons 'acknowledgers
           (cons 'note-head-interface
                 (lambda (engraver grob source-engraver)
                   (let* ((context (ly:translator-context engraver))
                          (tonic-pitch (ly:context-property context 'tonic))
                          (tonic-name (ly:pitch-notename tonic-pitch))
                           (ly:event-property (event-cause grob) 'pitch))
                          (grob-name (ly:pitch-notename grob-pitch))
                          (delta (modulo (- grob-name tonic-name) 7))
                           (make-vector 7 (number->string (1+ delta)))))
                     (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'note-names

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists \Ez_numbers_engraver

\score {
  \new StaffGroup <<
    \new Staff {
      \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #1.5
      \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-thickness = #1.5
      \override Staff.NoteHead #'font-size = #+2.5
      \override Staff.Clef #'font-size = #+2.5
      \override Staff.TimeSignature #'font-size = #+2.5
      \override Staff.Accidental #'font-size = #+2.5
      \override Voice.NoteHead #'font-size = #-2
      c''4 d'' e'' f'' |
      e''2 d''2 |
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff {
        \clef treble
        c'4 d e f
      \new Staff {
        \clef bass
        c4 d e f

> 6.. I have a hard time to separate the  beam re. bar 9.

I don't understand this.  Bar 9 has only half notes.  What do you want with
the beams?

> 7.. How can I force each voice into a separate midi channel?  I want to be
> able just play a particular channel for listening. Right now soprano and alto
> are in a channel, tenor and base are is another channel. Note I don't want a
> separate staff in the score sheet.
> 8.. How to adjust the volume of a channel through lilypond midi.
> 9.. Is it possible to include file name and path on to the score sheet?
> 10.. How can I override tagline?

Add a new value for tagline to the header.  See


> 11.. Is it possible to print "page 1 of  8"  "Page 2 of  8"  or  just " 1 of
> 8" "2 of  8" etc?



> Thank you for provide help and tips for the above.



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