2010/9/21 Orm Finnendahl <o.finnend...@inm.mh-freiburg.de>:
> Hello,
>  I'm trying to typeset a piece for 4 Percussionists. Each of them will
> use 4 \Staffs combined into a \StaffGroup: 2 percussion staffs and a
> combined bass/treble \PianoStaff for Mallets. I would like to have the
> name "Percussion 1" printed in front of the whole group, vertically
> centered and always printed throughout the score, even if some staffs
> are removed with the \RemoveEmptyStaffContext if they don't contain
> anything for some systems. Does somebody know about a way to
> accomplish that? I couldn't find anything in the docs or LSR (I also
> checked orchestrallily to no avail).
> I tried
> \set StaffGroup.instrumentName = \markup \left-column { "Perkussion 1" }

You are totally right!
But as mentioned in the doc (NR 1.6.3 Writing parts > Instrument names)
you also need to add "Instrument_name_engraver" to the StaffGroup

So in your \layout block, simply add

  \context {
    \consists "Instrument_name_engraver"

NB: you could also use the \with syntax, instead of \set ...

  \new StaffGroup \with {
    instrumentName = #"Perkussion 1"


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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