On Sep 25, 2010, at 10:45 AM, Patrick Schmidt wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm using VirtualBox v.3.0.12 (the last release that supports Mac OS 10.4.11) 
> and LilyBuntu. I downloaded the source code of the current development 
> version with git to ~/lilypond-git and compiled it with "make all" as 
> described in the manuals. So far so good!
> According to the CG (Concurrent Stable and Development Versions) in order to 
> use the development version I have to:
>     …create a link to the binary in the source tree by saving the following 
> line in a file somewhere in your $PATH:
>              exec <path to>/lilypond/out/bin/lilypond "$@"
> I saved the following file as Lilypond in ~/bin:
>      #!/bin/sh
>      exec ~/lilypond-git/out/bin/lilypond "$@"
> I made it executable with
>     chmod +x Lilypond
> But when I try to invoke it by typing: Lilypond I get the message:
>     command not found
> Where is my mistake? Is ~/bin not in my $PATH? If yes, how can I adjust this?
> Thanks in advance for any pointers
> patrick

No. ~/bin is not in the $PATH by default. If you look at the 2.12 documentation 
(I haven't started reading through the 2.13 documentatio)n, the end of the page 
Now, add this directory to your path. Modify (or create) a file called .profile 
in your home directory such that it contains

    export PATH=$PATH:~/bin

This file should end with a blank line.

hope this helps

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