Dear Mark,
thanks for Your reply.
Your example  seems to work fine also with my version of lilypond.

2010/10/1 Mark Polesky <>

> Stefan Thomas wrote:
> > Dear community,
> > has someone created a function, that could make
> > automatically an exact intervallic inversion, like in the
> > following example?
> > \version "2.12.2"
> > original = { g4 gis a bes g1 }
> > inversion = { g4 ges f e g1 }
> > \new Staff { \clef bass \original \inversion }
> Sort of.
> This is part of an experiment I was working on (to generate
> Webern's op.27 algorithmically), but I haven't touched it in
> a while.  Take a look at it, see if you can work with it,
> and feel free to ask me any questions.  The functionality
> you want should be extractable from this file one way or
> another, but I'm not sure it will be obvious.
> - Mark
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