The documentation here

says: "A \score block must always contain just one music expression, and this must appear immediately after the \score command." and: "these three commands – \header, \layout and \midi – are special: unlike many other commands which begin with a backward slash (\) they are not music expressions"

Which implies that the \header must be placed after the music expression. However, I found that with version 2.12, the lilypond accepts that the header is placed before as well.

\version "2.12.3"
\score {
\header { piece = "lilypond compiles a score where header is placed before the music expression"}
{ c'4 a b c' }
\layout { }

If lilypond compiles the file, I'd assume the documentation needs to be updated???
Would you mind clarifying?


\version "2.12.3"
\score {
  \header { piece = "lilypond compiles a score where header is placed before the music expression"}
  \new Staff { c'4 a b c' }
  \layout { }

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