On 27 September 2010 16:54, Robin Bannister <r...@dataway.ch> wrote:
> Well, I've had Lilypond on the back burner for a while, so I'm a bit rusty.
> By swapping the X and Y of mm-feed you get horizontal millimeters:
> #(define-markup-command (mm-hgap layout props amount) (number?)
> (let ((o-s (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'output-scale)))
>  (ly:make-stencil "" (cons 0 (abs (/ amount o-s))) '(0 . 0) )))
> \markup \line { "first" "next" "last" }
> \markup \line { \mm-hgap #20 "first" \mm-hgap #20 "next" \mm-hgap #20 "last"
> }

Thank you Robin for your kind reply.

I'm sorry I have no "stable" internet connection at the moment...  :-C
(or when I too rarely have Internet I have not LilyPond...).

I'll test it and look into it ASAP, thanks again.

On 3 October 2010 21:24, Neil Puttock <n.putt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> OK, though I hope first you've tried to do it yourself; I'm pretty
> sure it's within your capabilities.  :)

I wish it would!

It seems simple when you get the "ready-to-use" command.  ;-D
Actually I did not even understand I would have to define my own
Scheme command!  So I played with the "normal"  \hspace  command.

I am really scared when I have to deal with that kind of Scheme stuffs!
I'm learning about it by modifying existing Scheme code I can found on the LSR
or within LilyPond's mailing lists.  So basically I am working by comparison and
by trial-and-error based on pre-existing code but I am not yet really able to
"make the jump" and define my own commands because there are still a lot
of things I do not understand clearly speaking of Scheme code.

I must be lacking some "basic programming knowledge".
Unfortunately my scheduled does not allow me to begin studying various
programming languages right now.  So I'll keep on doing odd jobs.
That said, I am always very grateful when a talented developer gives me a
good, ready-to-use solution.  :)

Thanks a lot.


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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