At 20:51 05/10/2010, you wrote:
On Mon, 04 Oct 2010 23:11:01 +0200, Marten Visser <>
Hi Vincente, thanks for the suggestion. However, I do not only want to
delete a music expression (which can be tagged), but an entire staff,
namely the tabStaff. I wouldn't know how to create code removing a staff
by tagging it.

you're right. I thought that what you requested could be done with tags
because I once did something similar and there were tags involved.

but I've looked in my file again and found an alternative and perhaps
way which you may find useful: the trick is to use two different \book
then Lilypond generates two pdfs in one move, so you don't need to specify
condition at all:

% input file generates tst.pdf for the piccolist and tst-1.pdf for
the guitarist

\version "2.12.3"

piccolo = \relative c'' {
        c d e f

guitar = \relative c' {
        a b c d

staffPiccolo = \new Staff {

staffGuitar = \new Staff

staffTabGuitar = \new TabStaff


        % creates tst.pdf for the piccolist

        % creates tst-1.pdf for the guitarist


I hope I've understood you better this time :)

Dmytro's suggestion looks more promising, though I haven't been able to
generate code that does the job so far. When I code

that looks very interesting and can be very useful if you find the way.



Thanks for this suggestion. Indeed I do want to generate both scores, so it looks like a perfect solution. :)


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