Dear community,
in the below quoted snippet the horizontal position of the sounding b'1 is
very strange.
It doesn't get better when I use \once \override NoteColumn #'X-offset
How can I solve my problem?

\version "2.12.3"
music = {
r2 f'8\pp( fis'8 a'8 g'8  |%56
b'8 bes'8) f'8( fis'8 a'8 g'8 b'8 bes'8)  |%57
f'8( fis'8 a'8 g'4.) f'8( fis'8~  |%58
fis'4) b'8( bes'8~ bes'2~  |%59
bes'2.~  |%60
bes'2.~  |%61
bes'2.\<~ bes'8~ bes'32\p) a'32( aes'32 f'32  |%62
b'1~  |%63 , why does this pitch have such a strange position??,
b'32) bes'32( a'32 f'32 aes'32 g'32 b'16~ b'2~ b'8~ b'32) bes'32( a'32 f'32
aes'32 g'32 b'32 a'32 bes'32) a'32( aes'32 f'32 aes'32 g'32 b'32 a'32
bes'32) a'32( aes'32 f'32 \times 4/7{g'16 fis'16) bes'16( a'16 f'16 aes'16
g'16) }\times 4/6{a'16( aes'16 f'16 g'16 ges'16 f'16) } |%65
\times 4/5{a'16( f'16 aes'16 g'16 e'16 }a'2.)~  |%66
a'2\> s1*0 \! r2
bars = {
  \time 4/4 s1*4
  \time 3/4 s1.
  \time 4/4 s1
\score {
  \new Staff { \transpose bes c' \context Voice << {\music} { \bars }>> }
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