Thanks to Xavier and Bill for the solutions offered. Now, at least, I've got v. 2.13.37 working, but I couldn't get Bill's
to work, though. No change was produced. And Xavier's
worked ... but /globally/. I looked at the Notation Ref. 4.4.1 about vertical spacing between staves since what I'm working with is a hymn with verses where the music changes slightly from verse to verse and so I'd like the verses set apart from each other a bit.

Any suggestions?

Attached is a sample of the music.


United in adoration of Jesus,

fr. michael gilmary, mma

Most Holy Trinity Monastery
67 Dugway Road
Petersham, MA 01366-9725

  \layout {
    \context {
     \remove "Bar_number_engraver" 
    \context {
     \remove "Time_signature_engraver"


TimeKey= {\key f \major}

MusicOne = \relative c' {
                         \set autoBeaming = ##f
\partial 8 f8 \bar"|" a4 f8 g \bar"|" a([ bes a]) g \bar"|" f2 \bar"|" a4 f8 g 
a([ bes a]) g \bar"|" f2 \bar"|" \break 

c'4 c \bar"|" bes8([ a bes]) d \bar"|" c([ bes a g] \bar"|" f2) \bar"|" f8 f g 
a \bar"|" g([ f16 e d8]) e \bar"|" f2. r4 \bar"||"\break

MusicTwo = \relative c'' {
                         \set autoBeaming = ##f
a8 a16([ g]) f8 g \bar"|" a([ bes a]) g \bar"|" f2 \bar"|" a8 a16([ g]) f8 g 
\bar"|" a([ bes a]) g \bar"|" f2 \break

c'4 c \bar"|" bes8([ a bes]) d \bar"|" c([ bes a g] \bar"|" f2) \bar"|" f8 f g 
a \bar"|" g([ f16 e d8]) e \bar"|" f2. r4 \bar"||"\break

VerseOne = \lyricmode {
O Ma -- ry, we pray to you, bles -- sed and pur -- est One,
help us in __ our need; __ You are al -- ways there __ for us.

VerseTwo = \lyricmode {
We, poor sin -- ners, turn __ to you, now and at the hour __ of death.
You are free from sin; __ Ho -- ly Ma -- ry, full __ of grace.

VerseThree = \lyricmode {
In -- ter -- cede and pray __ for us; Vir -- gin Mo -- ther show __ us love.
May your Son, our Lord, __ grant us mer -- cy, through your prayers.

\score {
     \new Staff <<
     \new Voice = "MonksOne" { \TimeKey \MusicOne }
     \new Lyrics \lyricsto "MonksOne"  { \VerseOne }

%%  I'd like to have extra vertical space here

\score {     
     \new Staff <<
     \new Voice = "MonksTwo" { \TimeKey \MusicTwo }
     \new Lyrics \lyricsto "MonksTwo"  { \VerseTwo }

\score {
     \new Staff <<
     \new Voice = "MonksTwo" { \TimeKey \MusicTwo }
     \new Lyrics \lyricsto "MonksTwo"  { \VerseThree }

\version "2.13.37"
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