Hi, first of all, let me recommend you to upgrade to version 2.12. It's the 
current stable version, and includes numerous bug fixes over 2.10. Secondly, 
let me recommend you to read the Learning Manual included in the new 
documentation. Even if you've been using LilyPond for quite a while, it 
explains the features in an easy to understand format, and will likely enable 
you to answer most of your own questions in the future. Thirdly, to answer your 
question, you'll find sections on having different time signatures in different 
staves in (the 2.12 documentation) the Notation Reference, section 1.2.3, and 
information on creating ossia staves in section 1.6.2. I hope these help you!


On Oct 29, 2010, at 10:01 PM, Wim van Dommelen wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to create an alternative Staff ("ossia") with a changing of the 
> times. I didn't succeed. I'll try to explain with this example. (simplified 
> with all my rubbish deleted, just the basic notes left:-):
> \version "2.10.0"
> \paper {
>       #(set-paper-size "a4")
>       #(define dump-extents #t)
>       indent = 0\mm
> }
> BCLOne = {
>       \relative c' {
>               \time 3/2
>               c c d d es es |
>               e e fis fis g g |
>               \time 1/4
>               r |
>               \time 4/2
>               c, c d d es es e e |
>               \time 1/4
>               r |
>                       \break
>               \time 3/2
>               r c d d es es |
>               \time 4/2
>               e, e fis fis gis gis a a |
>       }
>       \bar "|."
> }
> BCLTwo = {
>       \relative c' {
>               \time 3/2
>               c c d d es es |
>               \time 2/2
>               e e fis fis |
>               \time 3/4
>               g g r |
>               \time 3/2
>               c, c d d es es |
>               \time 3/4
>               e e r |
>                       \break
>               \time 3/2
>               r c d d es es |
>               \time 4/2
>               e, e fis fis gis gis a a |
>       }
>       \bar "|."
> }
> \book {
>       \score {
>               {
>                       \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
>                       \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = 
> #end-of-line-invisible
>                       \clef violin
>                       \key d \major
>                       \BCLOne
>                       \break
>                       \BCLTwo
>               }
>               \layout {}
>       }
> }
> If you run this you will get twice 7 measures. What I want and tried is to 
> put these two on top of each other. All notes are quarter notes, the total 
> length of the pieces is exactly the same, and if you write it out manually 
> you can put it so that for example the third quarter of measure 10 exactly 
> fits on measure 3. The same happens a few bars further on.
> Now mixing it gets me in trouble for the change of the time (2/2, 3/4) which 
> has a global result. Either I'm misinterpreting it, or I just don't 
> understand how to do it.
> Anyone who can help me with a solution? (or just tell me we just can't, 
> that's fair enough!)
> Regards,
> Wim van Dommelen.
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