Thanks again for the help.  I have yet another question. :)

I am notating something for viola and piano.  The piano has three staves,
the middle of which is only used for one measure, and is before and
afterward invisible.  So the setup is like this:

<< \new Staff { }
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { }
\new Staff { }
\new Staff { }

I wish to reduce the spacing betzeen the three piano staves because there is
a gap due to the invisible middle staff.  Of course, I will then need to
modify this in the middle of the piece for one measure.  I have been trying
to change the spacing at the beginning by inserting *\with { }* after *\new
Piano Staff *containing the parameters *#'between-staff-spacing #'space* and
*#'padding*, but the result does not change regardless of the numbers I
input.  What am I doing wrong? And once I figure that out, how can I change
the spacing in the middle of the piece?

Best regards,
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