Sorry, didn't send this to the whole list the first time...

On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 5:22 AM, craigbakalian <>wrote:

> Hi,
> I have always appreciated the fact that on a large score the tempo marks
> are only printed on the top most part.  However, I am writing a piano
> quartet and I want the piano part to also have the tempo marks.
> As a C and C++ programmer I never understood the mechanics of this, or
> how the lily robot actually performs this feat, so this dumb American
> can't imagine how to alter this behavior.
> And, for those Europeans that are going to blast me because this is on
> page 1,474 of the manual, I apologize in advance, but still- I cannot
> find any info on this.
> 傻傻
> Craig Bakalian

You can add the Metronome_mark_engraver to the piano staff, something like:

\new PianoStaff <<
        \new Staff = "RH" \with { \consists Metronome_mark_engraver }
               { ...notes... }
        \new Staff = "LH"
               { ....notes.... }

Hope this helps.
James Worlton
lilypond-user mailing list

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