On Fri, 12 Nov 2010, Henry Flurry wrote:

I was thinking of exploring the possibility of LaTex & Lilypond.

Has anybody out there done this kind of combo?

My entire Master's thesis was a combination of LaTeX and Lilypond---both musical examples and the inclusion of an entire modern edition and apparatus. The musical examples were embedded in the LaTeX source and the individual pieces of the edition were contained in separate files. This would give you arbitrary control over the styling of each piece. My workflow:

- Run lilypond-book on the LaTeX file that contained the edition.
- Run lilypond-book on the two chapters that had examples.
- pdflatex
- bibtex
- pdflatex
- pdflatex

The LaTeX file that contained the edition was a string of:
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{29. Et son del mio languir cos\`i contento 
(seconda parte)}

It was really quite straightforward. The thesis can be viewed at:

I hope this helps.

P.S. I did not make a bigger deal on the list of the release of my thesis because I was ashamed. Due to a stupid, stupid oversight, the "Typeset by lilypond" tagline was omitted from the music of the edition. It was a perfect opportunity to give back to the Lilypond community, and I miffed it. I am deeply sorry. For what it's worth, Lilypond was an invaluable part of my entire educational workflow, and essential to the thesis itself. My adviser was really unsure whether Lilypond would produce the desired output, but he was thrilled with the results. I evangelized to every person that would listen in the department. I also used Lilypond to typeset examples for a professor's book I was editing. He plans on including a mention of Lilypond in the text. If that comes to fruition, I'll let the list know.

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