As Carl said.  Or using this in the staff for the upper voices:

        \tempo 4 = 94
        \transpose f bflat

which, as it happens, is what you've actually done with the male voices....

Phil Holmes

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 4:20 PM
  Subject: soprano staff did not transpose

  I need help. I try to transpose the whole song from f to b-flat.  After 
running lilypond, piano right hand and left staffs transpose to b-flat but 
soprano staff stay as f.  Where did I make mistake?

  Below is snippet (part of the whole piece):

  \version "2.13.39"

  date = #(strftime "%d-%m-%Y" (localtime (current-time)))
  %   #(ly:set-option 'delete-intermediate-files #f)
  \header {
    title = "馬利亞,妳可知:Mary, Did you Know"
    subtitle = \date

  \include ""
  TimeKey = { \time 4/4  \key f  \major  }   
  SopMusic   = \relative c' { \partial 2
  % Draw a box round the following bar number(s)
          \override Score.BarNumber #'stencil
             = #(make-stencil-boxer 0.1 0.25 ly:text-interface::print)
  a'2\rest^\markup{Legato} | a1\rest | a1\rest | a1\rest | a1\rest | a1\rest | 
a1\rest | a1\rest | a2\rest d,8_- e_- f_- g_- | %bar 02-08
  a2~ a8 d, a' g~ | g4 f8 e~ e4 r8 e8 | d8 e~ e f~ f g~ g f~ | %bar 09-11
             \label #'lastPage
  AltoMusic  = \relative c' {
  \override NoteHead #'color = #blue
  TenorMusic = \relative c  {
  BassMusic  = \relative c  {
  \override NoteHead #'color = #red

  PianoRHand = \relative c' {
  d'8 e8 f8^- g^- | <<{g2~ g4 g8 e8} \\ {r4 r8 d8~ d8 d4.} >> | <<{d'4. a8~ a8 
f8 \grace {e16 f16} e8 f8} \\ {<d f>2 s2} >> | %bar 00-02
  <<{d2~ d8 e8 f8 g8} \\ {r4 a,8 bf8~ bf2}>> | <<{e2~ e2} \\ {d4.b8 cs2}>> | r8 
<a' f'>8 <a f'> <a f'>8~ <a f'>8 <g e'>8 <f d'>8 <g e'>8~ | %bar 03-05
  <g e'>4 <f d'>4 <e a>4 <d f>4 | r8 <a f'>8 <a f'>8 <a f'>8~ <a f'>8 <g d'>8 
<f d'>4 | <<{<a e'>2. d8 e8} \\ {e,2 d2}>> | %bar 06-08
  <<{<a' f'>1} \\ {f4. f8~ f2}>> | <<{e4. c8~ c2} \\ {<e g>2. e4}>> | <<{<d 
bf'>1~ } \\ {f4. f8~ f8 g4 f8~ }>> %bar 09-11
  PianoLHand = \relative c {
  r2 | \clef treble <<{r8 a''8~ <f a>4~ f2} \\ {d1}>> | <<{r8 f8 a4~ f2} \\ 
{c1}>> | %bar 00-02
  <<{r8 f4.~ f2} \\ {bf,4. g8~ g2}>> | \clef bass <<{a1} \\ {r8 e'8 a4~ a2}>> | 
<<{r4 a,4 f'4 a,4} \\ {d,1}>> | %bar 03-05
  <<{r4. a'8~ a8 f'4 a,8~} \\ {c,1}>> | <<{a'4 f4 d'4 bf4} \\ {bf,2~ bf4 <g 
d'>4}>> | <<{r8 e'8( g8( a8~ <e g) a>2)} \\ {a,1}>> | %bar 06-08
  <<{r8 a'8~ <a d>4~ <a d>2} \\ {d,1}>> | <<{r8 g8~ <g c>4~ <g c>2} \\ {c,1}>> 
| <<{r8 d8 bf'4~ bf2} \\ {g,1}>> | %bar 09-11
  VerseOne   = \lyricmode {
  Ma- ry, did you know that your ba- by boy would some- day walk on wa- ter? 
  Did you know that your ba- by boy has come to make you-new? 
  \score {
    \new GrandStaff = "GrandStaff_score" <<
        \new ChoirStaff <<
        \new Staff <<
          \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t)
          \clef "treble"
          \tempo 4 = 94
          \new Voice = "Sop"  {\transpose f bflat       \voiceOne   \SopMusic  }
          \new Voice = "Alto" {\transpose f bflat       \voiceTwo   \AltoMusic }
           \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Sop" { \VerseOne   }
        \new Staff <<
          \clef "bass"
          \transpose f bflat
          \new Voice = "Tenor" {\transpose f bflat       \voiceOne  \TenorMusic 
          \new Voice = "Bass"  {\transpose f bflat       \voiceTwo  \BassMusic  
      \new PianoStaff <<
        \tempo 4 = 94
        \new Staff = "RH" {\transpose f bflat \TimeKey  \PianoRHand  }
        \new Staff = "LH" {\transpose f bflat  \TimeKey \clef bass \PianoLHand }
     \layout {
      \context { 
           \override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
    \midi { \context { \Staff \remove "Dynamic_performer" } }


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