
-----Original Message-----
From: lilypond-user-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org on behalf of ??? - 
Hu Haipeng
Sent: Sat 11/20/2010 22:39
To: lilypond-user
Subject: articulation question
  I'm wondering whether I can enter these articulations: mezzo staccato (dot 
and line), reversed accent sing and martellato (thick V). 

I don't know what a portato sign looks like, could anyone describe it?


I asked my friend who plays violin and he says Portato is either simply 
staccato on the notes with the same notes slurred

So I guess something like

c(-. d-. e-. f-.)

or a staccato dot over a 'tenuto' symbol.

Hope this helps.

James (a Trumpet player)


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