2010/11/22 Francisco Vila <paconet....@gmail.com>:
> Hello, I have been searching a lot and still can not find a solution
> for my lyric ties.  I obtain very misplaced ones and I know that a
> font like DejaVuLGC installed should do the trick in my Ubuntu system.
> My problem is: I have it installed, how do I force lilypond to use
> that font?
> \version "2.13.40"
> \relative c' {
>        r4 f e d | c2 c
> }
> \addlyrics { Buon gior -- no~al mon -- do. }
> http://paconet.org/prueba.pdf
> It looks all right in evince, but prints very misplaced on printer and
> looks the same in jedit/lilypondtool.

The situation is even more strange.  I have installed the gv viewer
and currenly:

  - gv shows and prints the lyric tie correctly.  It shows a tiny
dialog that asks for a command, default is "lpr", I simply accept.
  - evince shows the lyric tie correctly.  Prints it strangely misplaced.
  - lpr command from a terminal prints it strangely misplaced, too.
  - lilypondtool builtin PDF viewer shows it misplaced.

So, the winner is gv.  Adobe reader is not an option.

Although I already know that fontconfig settings cause my problems, I
encounter difficult to climb that mountain and I need a solution that
just works right now, in the meantime while I finally understand how
to correctly set things up.

It's enigmatic why lpr on console doesn't work well, whilst gv's "lpr
command" does.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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