Hello Athanasius,

this is an interesting problem! I first thought, you just had to change ragged-last to ##f . This is what Lilypond says to *not* compress or rag the last line - so it stretches to the end.
This does not help. And you probably tried this already.
I found a workaround-solution (using Lily 2.12.3, should also work in 2.13?):

1. in the paper block

2. add a hidden note after the last \break in the music part:
... e) \finalis \break
\stopStaff \hideNotes e

This causes the last line to stretch in my setup.

The stanza numbers all appear with Lily 2.12. I will look, if this works in 2.13.


On 01.12.2010 02:51, Br. Athanasius Pelletier wrote:
Hello all! I am having trouble making the last line stretch to the end. Also, I would like to have numbers for all the verses not just for the first part.
Here is my file:

\version "2.13.35"

\include "gregorian.ly <http://gregorian.ly>"

\header {
  subtitle = "Veni Creator Spiritus"
  % Remove default LilyPond tagline
  tagline = ##f

  ragged-last=##t %I don't know how to fix this

sopranoVoice = \relative c' {
  \key a \major
  e4 fis e ( d) e fis (e) a b a2 \break \divisioMaior
  a4 e fis a b ( a) b cis b \break \divisioMaior
  a4 b ( cis) a ( gis) fis ( e) a ( b) e, fis a2 \break \divisioMaior
  gis4 ( a) fis e (d) fis fis ( gis fis) e d e2 \divisioMaxima
  e4 ( fis e) d2 ( e) \finalis \break

verseOne = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "1."
  Ve -- ni Cre -- á -- tor __ Spí -- ri -- tus,
  men -- tes tu -- ó -- rum vi -- sí -- ta,
  im -- ple __ su -- pér -- na __ grá -- ti -- a
  quae tu cre -- á -- sti __  pé -- cto -- ra.

verseTwo = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "2."
  Qui dí -- ce -- ris Pa -- rá -- cli -- tus,
  al -- tís -- si -- mi do -- num De -- i,
  fons vi -- vus, i -- gnis, ca -- ri -- tas,
  et __ spi -- ri -- tá -- lis __ ún -- cti -- o.

verseThree = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "3."
  Tu se -- pti -- fór -- mis __ mú -- ne -- re,
  Dex -- trae De -- i tu __ dí -- gi -- tus,
  Tu ri -- te pro -- mís -- sum Pa -- tris,
  Ser -- mó -- ne __ di -- tans __ gút -- tu -- ra.

verseFour = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "4."
  Ac -- cén -- de lu -- men sén -- si -- bus,
  In -- fúnde a -- mó -- rem __ cór -- di -- bus,
  In -- fír -- ma __ no -- stri __ cór -- po -- ris
  Vir -- tú -- te __ fir -- mans __ pér -- pe -- ti.

verseFive = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "5."
  Hos -- tem re -- pél -- las __ lón -- gi -- us,
  pa -- cém -- que do -- nes __ pró -- ti -- nus;
  Du -- ctó -- re sic __ te __ praé -- vi -- o,
  Vi -- té -- mus __ o -- mne __ nó -- xi -- um.

verseSix = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "6."
  Per te sci -- á -- mus __ da Pa -- trem,
  No -- scá -- mus at -- que __ Fí -- li -- um,
  Te u -- tri -- ús -- que __ Spí -- ri -- tum
  Cre -- dá -- mus o -- mni __ tém -- po -- re.

verseSeven = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "7."
  De -- o Pa -- tri sit __ gló -- ri -- a,
  Et Fí -- li -- o qui~a mór -- tu -- is,
  Sur -- ré -- xit, __ ac __ Pa -- rá -- cli -- to,
  In __ sae -- cu -- ló -- rum __ saé -- cu -- la. A -- men. __

\score {
  \new Staff { \sopranoVoice }
  \addlyrics { \verseOne }
  \addlyrics { \verseTwo }
  \addlyrics { \verseThree }
  \addlyrics { \verseFour }
  \addlyrics { \verseFive }
  \addlyrics { \verseSix }
  \addlyrics { \verseSeven }
  \layout {
    \context {
      \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
      \remove "Bar_engraver"
      \override Stem #'transparent = ##t

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