thanks all for your help. Browsing the lilypond doc I have stumbled upon the 
section on the Gregorian notation and what do i find? a half-bar!

I tried to use it but apparently it is a breath mark and as such the bar line 
are also printed.
I found an old post asking the question "how to override the bar line" with a 
snippet that is supposed to work but i get errors on 2.13.38 

\version "2.12.2"
divisioMaior = {
\once \override Score.BarLine #'stencil = #ly:breathing- sign::divisio-maior 
\relative c' {
c2 d \divisioMaior
e f \divisioMaior
g4 a b2 \divisioMaior
c1 \divisioMaior

On Nov 22, 2010, at 10:30 AM, jakob lund wrote:

> Ok here's another ugly hack:
> <example>
> #(define __x 1)
> {
> \override Staff . BarLine #'bar-size = #(lambda (G) (set! __x (1+
> __x)) (+ 2 (* 2 (modulo __x 2))))
> \relative c'' { c1 c c c c }
> }
> </example>
> It's ugly because it uses a `global' variable __x to count the bars
> and set the bar size to 2 only after an odd number of bars. It screws
> up if you try to use it with more staffs.
> If someone who knows the inner workings of scheme in Lilypond reads
> this, I would like to know
> how to properly access the current bar number in the callback!???
> Jakob.
> 2010/11/22 Alexander Kobel <>:
>> [ with cc to lilypond-user; please keep the discussions on the mailing list,
>> others might have the same problems and can find the solutions in the
>> mailing list archives ]
>> On 2010-11-22 12:38, Martin Kemp wrote:
>>> I've just been struggling with this too. All else having failed, I faked
>>> it by using an invisible bar line and adding:
>>> \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-1 . 3.5) c8_\markup {
>>> \musicglyph #"rests.M2mensural" }
>> Woah, that's some ugly hack...
>> Again, I don't see the need for this - I just tested the following, and it
>> works just perfect for me (use \halfBar to make a "real" bar line at the end
>> of a measure appear smaller, and \halfAddBar to insert a "fake" barline of
>> half the usual extent).  If it doesn't in your setting, could you give a
>> small compiling example to show the problem?
>> halfBar = \once \override Staff . BarLine #'bar-size = #2
>> halfAddBar = { \halfBar \bar "|" }
>> \relative c' {
>>  c4 c \halfAddBar c c \halfBar |
>>  c c c c |
>> }
>> Cheers,
>> Alexander
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