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2010/12/13 Sepand Shahab <sepandsha...@alum.calarts.edu>:
> Hi,
> Thanks very much for the responses, and sorry for my incomplete posting.
> the .png can be found here:
> http://tinypic.com/r/fp5cm9/7
> (The problem is that the music disappears off the page)

The cause of the problem is that LilyPond does not make any line
breaks in the middle of the tuplet by default. In your code no tuplet
ends at the end of the measure (you can check this by inserting bar
checks) so Lily cannot make any breaks and music overflows page. The
second staff is not needed for this problem to occur - try compiling
c32 c c16
\times 8/7 {c16 c c c c c32 c c16}
\times 7/6 {c c c c c c }
\times 5/4 { c16 c c c32 c  }
\times 4/3 {c16 c32 c c c  }
\times 4/3 {c16 c c }
\times 5/4 { c c c32 c c16   }
\times 6/5 {c16 c c32 c c c c16   }
\times 7/6 { c16 c c32 c c16 c32  c c c }
\layout {
        indent = 10 \cm

You can override LilyPond's default behaviour, see Notation Reference
1.2.1 "Tuplets"

Besides, i think that

\times 4/3 {c16 c c }

is not the standard way of writing. I suppose it should be \times 2/3 {c8 c c }.


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