On 29 December 2010 19:04, James Bailey <derhindem...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Dec 29, 2010, at 6:10 PM, Sven Axelsson wrote:
>> OK, rtfm:ing and testing a bit further.
>> I created a music function like this:
>> pgrace = #(define-music-function (parser location notes) (ly:music?)
>>  #{ \newSpacingSection
>>     \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'spacing-increment = #0.9
>>     % override Score.SpacingSpanner #'strict-grace-spacing = ##t
>>     \grace $notes
>>  #}
>> )
>> in order to play around with different space settings.
>> I then have definintions like for instance
>> cad = { \pgrace { \small g32[ e8 d32] } }
>> that previously used plain grace instead of pgrace.
>> In the function above I've commented out strict-grace-spacing. That
>> setting does more or less what I want, but causes other spacing
>> problems as noted in the documentation. spacing-increment doesn't help
>> me much.
>> Does anyone here have a clue of what magic settings I could plug into
>> the music function to get the desired non-stretchable spacing? Or
>> maybe it isn't even possible?
> Maybe the bagpipe settings will help you. 
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.12/Documentation/user/lilypond/Bagpipes#Bagpipes

Well, no not really. I am the author of those and now trying to
improve them a bit. :)

Sven Axelsson

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