Dear all,

Consider the following example (adapted from the manual):

\version "2.13.44"
\relative c'' {
\time 3/16
\set Timing.beatStructure = #'(2 1)
\set Timing.beamExceptions =
  #'(                         ;start of alist
     (end .                   ;entry for end of beams
      (                       ;start of alist of end points
       ((1 . 32) . (6))       ;rule for 1/32 beams
      )))                     %close all entries
c16 c c |
c32 c c c c c |
c32 c c c c16 |

In the third bar, the 16th is connected to the 32s, while the rule for 16th's says that the third sixteenth should be unbeamed.

Is there a precedence in rules? How to influence that?


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