Hi Father,

> In the following construction:
>       <d a'>2 ~ <cis a'> ~ {<< \stemDown <d a'> \\ \stemUp {d'4 cis} >>}
> the second "tilde" seems to have no effect.  I want to tie the 'a' in
> the second chord to the 'a' in the third chord in the parallel bar.
> Am I missing something?  How do I tie such a thing through this
> construction?  Everything else about this line seems to work properly.

You need to explicitly instantiate the voices:

\relative d' {
  <d a'>2 ~ <cis a'> ~
  << { \voiceTwo <d a'> } \new Voice { \voiceOne d'4 cis } >> \oneVoice

I think this also correctly handles the "tie down" issue you spoke of in your 
followup email.

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